niedziela, 27 października 2013

Write about the place you live : what you like and don't like about it.

I live in Gorzów Wielkopolski in Poland. 
This is not big city.
Is like any other.
Nothing special - shopping centres, swimming pool, boulevard, park of roses.
Gorzów is boring town. I don't like him xD 
I would like live in London or Dubai.. 
I think that's all. Bye :) 

czwartek, 17 października 2013

Introduce and write about your family.

Hello :) 

Today I write about my family.
So, my mom's name Renata. I love her so much!
I can tell her everything ! 
My dad's name Marek.
He a very good cook :D 
I have brother - Remek, and Sister - Sandra. 
They are olders than me. 
My brother has a son, he's name Fabian.
He's two years old, we love him! 
He is so dear :)
Remek plays in football team "Warta Jeżyki" haha.
My sister is interested sport. 
She every day to exercise. 
She love zumba and pole dance. 
She is a very pretty ! <3 

This is my family ♥

sobota, 5 października 2013

Introduce your self, describe your looks and character.

Hi everyone :)

My name is Laura, I'm fifteen years old, I'm from Poland and I live with my family in Gorzów Wielkopolski.
I'm a student in gymnasium number 7
I have a long, brown hair and blue eyes.
I'm short and slim.
 I don't have to write much about my look, because you can see me on the picture :) 
I looove animals <3 All they are so lovely !
In free time I like listen to music or reed the books :)
That's all, adios !